For a while, now, there has been ongoing "dialog" about a couple issues: First, the signature banner size that sellers and dealers can use. Sizes have varied, as we all have seen. Second was the maximum number of daily auction or selling posts allowable in both the Dealer's Forum and the For Sale section.
Nothing was ever really set in stone- until now.
From this point forward, 2 new Rules, are in place, with the blessing of both Holiday and Thierry:
1. Maximum Signature Advertising Banner Size: 100 x 550 pixels
2. Maximum Number of Dealer/Seller Posts per day: ONE allowed in each Thread. (So 2 allowed, in total, per day, per dealer or seller). In addition, no later "bumping" of a post to have it hop to the top of the list, either.
If any signature ad banner resizing needs to be done, please do so.
And please honor the "one post per day" Rule in the Dealer's Forum & For Sale threads, as mentioned above. It is not open for debate.
This is simply all about keeping the playing field even for everyone.