Well I smoked some poster crack tonight and decided to disinter this long-buried APF gem/disgrace, with all my old embarassing images goners alas.
Feel free to skip this post and head to the next post full of pornies.
Back in Round 1, I was always worried one of my many sociopath hobby enemies would take a screenshot of my dorky posts in this thread and email it to my super-sociopath (female) boss. That never happened, although You Know Who/APF member maliciously posted my real full name on APF and Locust filed a bar complaint against me with the DC Bar.
Nowadays, for better or worse I don't have to worry about that. (OT but they FINALLY demoted my psycho ex-boss AFTER I quit in Dec. 2015. Thanks, not.)
In some ways the world has become a more sexually-liberated haven since I started this thread back in 2010.
Prince William in 2014 cavorts about Las Vegas in his birthday suit and UKers wish him "Cheers!"
First Lady Melanie Trump "starred" in an awesome/hideous menage-a-trois pornie back in the 1990s and the media in 2016 generally IGNORES that during the pres. campaign.
Not the real video but you can find it by making a virgin sacrifice to the Google God.
I used to think only men were horny bastards and women were pure as snowflakes. But one of my GFs proudly proclaimed that she had seen EVERY episode of Sex and the City. I watched one ep with her and was stunned by how raunchy/nasty it was. A semi-tasteful image from one ep:
I ... um ... officially deny that I have ever watched porn, despite the fact that 99.9999% of men secretly FREAKING LOVE porn.
Also consider that MP sellers make a CABOODLE of $$$$ off pornies.
'Nuff said, onto my true-blue and semi-pornies.