Movie Posters > General Discussion

All Poster Stuff

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I'm creating this thread for us to post anything and everything about posters that's not related to auctions or collections.  Just general things.

So last night, I was at the Arclight in Hollywood and they have this gigantic wall of posters on display.  Don't know why, don't know how they chose their posters, but if you've got to display your posters, this is one way to go.  You can see the guy on the right for an idea of how big it is.

The scary thing is that I own all these posters except 2...  Fantastic Mr. Fox, and puke, Sex and the City.


I want one of those walls.  ;D

So I go to Paris for one week, and this is what I come back home to...

When you get stuff every day, it's easy to forget how much you get, but that puts things in perspective ;)


Hallucination Generation:
That's unreal.



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