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Clint Eastwood: Icon

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I was given this book for my birthday.  It is an incredible book, and I would highly recommend it for any movie poster or Eastwood fan.  Frangioni had an incredible collection.  It showcases some, but not all of his collection.  The photos and essays are very well done.  I also got the Stanley Kubrick Taschen book which is also amazing.

Happy birthday, Schan!

Happy B-Day bud!


It's a great book.  I wish Thierry would do a similar book with his Spielberg collection.

Great book, and great collection (the portion that's included). Clint Eastwood - Icons 2, sometime in the future I hope. Thierry would need more than one volume also!

And Schan, The Stanley Kubrick Archives is certainly a giant of a book, both in content and size.


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