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How do you follow up a wildy successful April Major Auction?


How do you follow up a wildy successful April Major Auction ($565,073.00 in sales with many individual records set)?

Yesterday we add a wonderful selection of 1,612 "flat" items (including 56 "oversized" ones, and 154 "signed" ones) at

And Thursday we add a wonderful selection of 1,000 "rolled" posters, and while neither of these contain the mega-expensive items that our Major Auction did, but they DO contain LOTS of items that are super rare and desirable!

And on Sunday, we add our first ever "all rolled" bulk lot auction, with 752 bulk lots with 15,104 rolled posters, and every lot WILL be sold, no matter how low the final selling price.

It will be like walking into a store and having the owner say everything is 90% off, for one day only!


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