Author Topic: 1,740 folded U.S. & non-U.S. posters, lobby cards, and MUCH more end in HOURS!  (Read 357 times)

Offline BruceH

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I just saw how extremely low the prices are on many of my company's ('s) 1,740 folded U.S. & non-U.S. posters, lobby cards, and MUCH more that will begin closing in just a few hours TODAY beginning at 7 PM CST TUESDAY at


Note that some people feel these last minute reminder posts are "too long", or have "too much information", and if YOU feel this way, then please stop reading this now, and simply go to the above link right now and look over these 1,740 items that will begin closing later TODAY! Thanks and best of luck on whatever you are bidding on!

HOWEVER, IF YOU DON'T MIND READING MORE, PLEASE DO READ ON, because there is much useful and helpful information below!

If you are fairly new to this hobby, you may be very surprised to learn that the price levels of vintage movie paper (and related items) is FAR lower than that of ANY other collectible these days! One quick look at the current bid prices on the 1,740 auctions closing in hours at proves that beyond a shadow of a doubt!

DO YOU LIKE TO GET REALLY GREAT "DEALS"? Then you will surely want to closely look over these 1,740 great items, because with 10 hours left (as of this writing), there are 263 of these at just $5 each or under, 577 at just $10 each or under, and a whopping 938 at just $20 each or under (and that is OVER HALF of the auctions)!

And you know just as well as I do that a $20 bill buys a fraction of what it did five or ten years ago, but many of these items are currently at prices similar to what they were ten or twenty YEARS ago!

And remember: WE are the only major auction with NONE of those awful 20% OR 25% "buyers premiums" (and one auction's "minimum buyers premium" is a truly INSANE $29, meaning they will never sell any item for under $30 AND that their poor consignors RECEIVE pennies from a $30 sale).

It is not just the lowest priced ones ending in HOURS that represent exceptional values, as there are items at every price level that are far under where the same (or similar) items have sold for before, and these make great unique gifts (for yourself or others) that don't have to cost you an arm and a leg, so please start checking them out now!

Because our "every four week auctions" combine all different types of items into one auction, there are a number of groups of items very worthy of special mention:

EXTRA SPECIAL AND UNUSUAL! We were consigned a truly historic collection of TWENTY SIX posters from the very early 1910s (almost all from 1912 to 1914, when the cinema was being born!) at (this link includes some stills from the 1910s, but it is the best way to see ALL these 26 historic posters in one gallery). These are TRUE "antique" movie posters because "antique" is typically defined as being over one hundred years old, and these are all 110 years old or over!

And if you did not already know, movie posters from before World War II are mostly incredibly rare, because of the massive paper shortages at that time, and posters like these from before World War I are even more rare (likely because there were similar paper shortages during WWI). I guarantee you that when you view these you will be amazed that so many of these "museum pieces" can possibly be bought for such low amounts of money!

Last month we sold thirty different posters from this collection, and while a very few sold over $400, most of them sold for between $100 and $400, and seven sold for under just $100, which seems like an outright sin for century old movie posters! Currently most of the current 26 are $155 or under, and a LOT of them are languishing under $20 each! Many will surely receive more bids, but it seems VERY likely that there will be even better buys this month than last month!

If you like to buy BIG posters (especially for really LITTLE prices!), please be sure to check out our FIFTEEN three-sheets at and FIFTEEN six-sheets at A number of these are ultra-rare ones (some from the 1940s and earlier!) you may not see offered again for quite a while, if ever!

We also have SEVENTY window card auctions (an excellent selection!) at, including some that are rarely offered for sale or at auction, and some are ones you might expect to see in a "major" auction!

There is a fine selection of FOUR HUNDRED THIRTY SIX folded one-sheet auctions at  These cover a very wide range of years, stars and genres, and truly there is "something" for EVERY movie paper collector! THEY INCLUDE MANY EXCELLENT ONES, including many REALLY desirable and rare titles (including a bunch of horror/sci-fi and great 1970s and 1980s titles from all genres)!

There is also a great selection of TWO HUNDRED NINETY NINE lobby card auctions at (a truly remarkable selection of 221 singles, 48 complete sets, and 30 incomplete sets!). These include lots of very rare singles from the 1920s to the 1940s PLUS lots of complete sets from titles of the 1940s to the 1960s!

There is also an truly wondrous selection of FIVE HUNDRED NINETY NINE vintage 8" x 10" stills (312 singles, plus 287 sets of stills with 2 to 40 stills in each) at Know that these include a LOT of REALLY great ones from the 1930s, from a very long time collector who consigned his entire collection!

We have EIGHTY SEVEN Australian daybills and one-sheets (an excellent selection covering all years, genres and many top stars) at and we also have FORTY FOUR Italian posters (mostly one-panels and two-panels) at and also NINETEEN French posters (many different sizes but mostly one-panels) at as well as TWENTY FIVE British/English items at, and a lower number from six other countries!

NOTICE THAT WE HAVE LOWER QUANTITIES FROM SOME COUNTRIES THIS TIME, but what we lack in QUANTITY, we make up for in QUALITY, as will be evident as soon as you visit the above links! Truly this IS "The World of Movie Posters", but you don't have to take many plane trips to find them!

Use the above links to go directly to galleries of just those sizes, and you can easily find other types of interest to you, by using our great Search Filters (located to the left of each of our galleries) if you are wanting to quickly see all we are auctioning on a particular star, genre, decade or whatever!

So if you want to quickly see solely the selection of TWENTY SIX items from James Bond movies (an excellent selection!), then all you have to do is click on the Search Filter that says "James Bond", and it will take you to those 26 auctions at

And of course the same works for the excellent 16 auctions of Star Wars items at Using our Search Filters will make your time spent looking at our auctions FAR more productive, and it helps make certain you don't miss any items of interest to you!

I just looked over these 1,740 items, and I saw LOTS of them which would be incredibly buys at the current high bid prices. Best of luck to every one of you who bids on any of these closing in a few hours, starting at 7 PM CT!
We ( hold 3,000 to 4,000 auctions every four weeks.
We have auctioned more movie paper for more money (in real sales) than any auction in the world.
We have the longest continuously running auctions of any auction, with over 1,948,280 to date from over 3,306 consignors.
See all of our current auctions in one gallery here: