Author Topic: Removing Creases From Poster  (Read 1577 times)

Offline CinematicFanatic

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Removing Creases From Poster
« on: December 08, 2022, 06:42:33 AM »
Hey Everyone

I was looking for some advice on how to remove creasing from a poster?

I'm not sure how clearly you can see the above Avatar poster. I don't want to do any linen backing as it is a double sided original, and I would want to keep it's original state in tact.

I bought it recently from someone and after getting it in the frame, I thought it may of got rid of the creases with it being flat, but they still seem to be there.

Any advice on how to get rid of them would be much appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

Offline Stefano

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Re: Removing Creases From Poster
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2022, 11:27:58 PM »
First off, nice frame. 

I have had some success in minimizing the appearance of creases by storing posters flat, under weight, for a long time.  However, this method only works if the poster had been folded normally.  If the poster was rolled, and then it got crunched, forget it.  Buy a new poster, those creases aren't going away.  Ditto if a folded poster gets misfolded. 

It would probably be cheaper for you to wait on a rolled copy of that poster, than it would be to have this one shipped off for linen-backing anyway.  Most D/S one sheets from this era were sent out unfolded, no? 

Offline CinematicFanatic

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Re: Removing Creases From Poster
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2022, 05:20:56 AM »
Thanks, it was a custom one bought online. I use them for all my posters and it’s great as you can also select it to come with the acid free back board.

This poster is actually rolled, I think the previous owners just stored it funny or maybe rolled it too quick and it caused little creases.

I wouldn’t want to get it linen backed anyway. It’s actually a present I bought for my brother as well so it’s obviously up to him what he wants to do. He’s quite happy with it the way it is.

Perfectionist in me would ideally want the creases out and I saw people mention an iron with no water or steam over a towel.. but this is an original poster and the last thing I want to do is damage it.

I guess the only thing we can try is laying it flat with loads of heavy books on it maybe? Could that work?

Offline Crazy Vick

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Re: Removing Creases From Poster
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2022, 08:53:50 PM »
I wonder if you store it rolled in a tube for a good long time, with some other posters, that might help.  Make sure the tube is at least 3.5 inches in diameter.  The bonus here is that you have to buy MORE POSTERS to add to the inside of the tube to put some pressure on the outside poster (i.e. yours). 

Your brother will probably tell you its fine as is.  Funnily enough my girls are watching Avatar right now.  They are a few years younger than the 13+ recommendation but they will be fine.  Looking forward to the new one.   

I haven't shared any of my new posters in months (years?)  Ever since Photobucket went all asshole on us. 

Selling posters (and LPs and collectible stuff) on ebay also slowing down these days. Hoping things pick up next year.  I could use the extra cash to, er, buy more posters.  A few of the Bruce's I'm eyeing upcoming.  Goddamn shipping from the US to Canada.  I shouldn't complain, its not as bad as overseas. 

I finally purchased an antique map/ flat file at an estate sale a few months ago.  That thing is heavy like elephant shit. Its only got 5 drawers but they are insanely large and can accommodate a ton of paper.  Life tends to slow down in winter, so looking forward to unrolling some tubes and storing some flat.  Then it will be itemizing and taking pictures of everything.  Maybe i'll get a picture hosting account by then I can share some pics.  Anyways - good luck - I love the poster and frame!   :) :)  bed1

Offline Stefano

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Re: Removing Creases From Poster
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2022, 11:32:19 PM »
[...] I saw people mention an iron with no water or steam over a towel.. but this is an original poster and the last thing I want to do is damage it.

I've tried this method too, but didn't have much success.  Like you said, you have to be careful about it.  Anyway, if it's flat in the frame, that might help flatten out the little creases over time, just as well as storing it under weight.  But I'm afraid once a rolled poster gets dinged up, there's not much you can do to get significant improvement.  No easy fix in this case.  If your brother's happy with it, I'd let him enjoy it as is, that's just my take.  It looks pretty cool, imo.

Selling posters (and LPs and collectible stuff) on ebay also slowing down these days. Hoping things pick up next year.  I could use the extra cash to, er, buy more posters.  A few of the Bruce's I'm eyeing upcoming.  [...]

Crazy Vick, is eBay slow because you're not currently selling much, or do you have things listed but just sales are slow this time of year?  I was thinking of getting back into eBay selling, but I've been apprehensive, in part because I keep hearing about all these sellers getting scammed by buyers, and then eBay sides with the buyers and the seller eats the bill.  I don't know how much of an issue that is in reality?

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Re: Removing Creases From Poster
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2022, 04:04:14 AM »
This is crazy.  My first reaction to this thread was - just go on Ebay and buy another one for $20.  I just went on Ebay and the cheapest one is $250.  What happened to all the Avatar posters???

As far as the crease is concerned, it cannot be removed unfortunately.  I return many posters for the same reason.  It really becomes a matter of whether you can live with it or not.

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Re: Removing Creases From Poster
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2022, 04:18:20 AM »
I have had some success with rolling the poster around a tube tightly, leave it a week or so, then reverse roll it around the same tube, leave it again for a week or so. Repeat this several times, and as much as you will never get rid of the creases, it does lessen them. the tube needs to be smallish, about 11/2" diameter.
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Offline CinematicFanatic

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Re: Removing Creases From Poster
« Reply #7 on: December 14, 2022, 08:49:18 AM »
Thank you for the tips everyone.

The picture I put up was the worse possibly angle, so that I could try and capture the creases. They aren't that visible when looking head on, and at night you can't even see them.

So, it is okay, and my brother still says he is happy with it and it doesn't bother him. I just think it's the perfectionist in me and personally I would get a better one, or try some of the methods listed here.

He's happy with it in any case, but at some point in the future I may try flattening it out round a tube, or even put something weighty on top of the frame it's in to try and flatten it out.