Author Topic: New Member - Aust. Vs. American Poster - A nightmare on elm street  (Read 3597 times)

Offline TheRage133

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Hey All, stumbled upon the forum as i have been getting more into collecting movie posters. I'm sure this has been asked, but i've been on the lookout for an original nightmare on elm street 1 poster. Had the chance to get one but held off and it sold only to be auctioned for double a few weeks later. I now have the chance to get an Australian version but was surprised that it's quite a bit cheaper than the American Version.

Is this typical with most posters ? (quality seems to be good and about the same as the other American versions that went for higher) .  Same size ect.

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Re: New Member - Aust. Vs. American Poster - A nightmare on elm street
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2022, 02:13:18 AM »
In general, collectors like country of origin posters more, especially if the posters are identical.  If you buy as an investment, you should probably stick to it.  If it's just to display and enjoy, who cares.

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