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Storing posters---Do I have this right?


Hi there.

Since I have taken a (permanent?) break from shopping for / buying posters, I have focused my attention on the disaster that is my poster room. I've got the flat file and I'm ready to go-go at it.

I've got the acid-free tissue paper. I put that between each poster, right?  And i put unfolded folded posters with unfolded folded posters and rolled with rolled---and no mixing. Correct?

Am I missing anything?I'm also trying to flatten crap, too. I've got large pieces of foam core (with the acid-free tissue paper between it and the posters) and weight flattening stuff. Right?

Don't leave them folded or in tubes (which they have been for years---decades!)? 



Monster storage!  Sounds like you are doing some nice and more than proper storage, Monster.  I'm way more laissez-faire with my storage in the map case I have. I don't have acid free paper, rather just posters on top of each other among other things.  My map case is pretty tight, so air does not circulate much which helps keep the aging process slowed down. Nice going on your storage!   Okie

Most of my folded one sheets are in bankers boxes...  The oldest ones have been in them for decades. (Acid-free tissue paper ain't cheap either.)

CHEERS, your Okieness! Thanks for the quick response-a-rama!



--- Quote from: Monster_A_GoGo on August 20, 2019, 11:13:24 PM ---Most of my folded one sheets are in bankers boxes...  The oldest ones have been in them for decades. (Acid-free tissue paper ain't cheap either.)

CHEERS, your Okieness! Thanks for the quick response-a-rama!


--- End quote ---

Decades in secret bank boxes?!  I like the sound of that, Monster!  Okie

I used to buy these tubes from Bags Unlimited but I can't find them on their site.  Very good and convenient.

Does anyone know if they are discontinued and if so where to find them?  They are already closed for the day.



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